There she was...entering the building. She lit up my day...her face...her eyes...her lips...made my heart race, made my palms sweat, and made my manly voice turn into a girl one. She was wearing a pink button shirt..with two of the top buttons undone, and a black skirt. It drove me crazy, since I never seen her in a skirt because she is insecure about her physic, but I don't see why...she was so stunning. She was walking towards me, she said "hi" then gave me a hug...her essence was nice...the smell of apples was all I can smell.
I held her hand and walked her to her class. Her class was on the second floor of the building. She insisted of taking the elevator, but I insisted we take the we can hold hands more. She smiled then the stairs it was. So there we to her classroom.
I wanted to show her how much I appreciated her, So I got close to her, so I got close to her...she blushed then looked down at her feet, she gave me a gentle push back. "Come on...please?" I said to her. It was quiet for a moment then she got close to me, still looking at her feet. I lifted up her head...she looked so cute when blushing, I got close to her face...and gave her a light kiss. She smiled...I smiled back, I took a step back and in that single second...the whole world slowed down...the next second...the world was black, but her voice...her voice I could still hear.
The world appeared again, and there she was...sitting next to me. Her tears, I grabbed her face gently and wiped her tears from her beautiful face. I gave her the biggest hug. "It's ok" I whispered to her. Today...was the day and yes this pun is sooo necessary...I fell in love.
TLDR: I fell in love...literally.
Damage report
---> Two bruised ribs
---> Swollen ankle
--->Swollen wrist, it's ok though it's the right one...I'm left handed.
--->A small gash on my forehead
--->And one MASSIVE headache.
Oh least I didn't get a concussion or something worse.
Also, the girl who I am talking to...It's ok! wasn't your fault. Lighten up.
Oh and here's a quick rendition of what I think happened. Quickly done on my laptop..cause I have a massive headache. (done in Illustrator) :
Bah! Stop this now! Stop this love dovey stuff...Time to see some blood!!!! Provided by Fallout3
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