View Profile azteca89
"The best way to become boring is to say everything."

Age 35, Male

Student (web design)

La Vista High School


Joined on 4/20/05

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azteca89's News

Posted by azteca89 - August 12th, 2008

Hello once again Newgrounders. Been working hard and partying hard through this crazy college life. So yeah anyway, these new classes I got are pretty awesome. What shocks me about this, is that I'm actually doing awesome at my classes, well maybe because I actually doing all of this art crap. So yeah anyway, on to the thing you came here for.

One of my classes I got this semester is "Image Manipulation" or photoshopping for slower people. So for four weeks, I've been learning about Adobe Photoshop. Four weeks into this and I'm getting a little good with this program, well so what I think. It was time to put my amateur skills to the test. I got the homework assignment, I had to make a playing card with a front and back. So, I said to myself again, "why not something else Newgrounds related again!?" So behold, the Strawberryclock card.

Now I had two weeks to do this, and I forgot all about it till the last minute. Took me about two days to finish this, now reason for this was; 1.My comptuer effin'd crashd on me. and 2. I didn't have Adobe Photoshop. Now I didn't steal it of download it illegally, I bought it.Now I know, Strawberryclock probably wasn't a good choice, but come on! he has a freaking crown on! So yeah it is a king card. Now I could of used someone else, but I doubt somebody from my college will know about Newgrounds. Ok so enough about that, I think I did a good job with it, A nice use of complementary colors, good use of space, and no negative space, well it did have some, but I filled them up with those weird green shapes. I like how I did the front of it, but not so much the back side of it. Maybe if I put less clocks, I don't know.

Well guys and gals, what do you think? Good? Bad? Eh? Criticism is welcomed, I'm always willing to improve, come on, help a rookie a in training. Well, wish me luck I get a good grade with this.

Strawberryclock card

Posted by azteca89 - July 29th, 2008

Before I took my four week vacation from college, I had one more freaking dreadful week called "Finals". "What this "finals" you talk about?" you might say, Well it's the last week before the end of the semester. This week is the most important of all of them, the last project makes most of the overall grade. So anyway, for fundamental of design class, I had to make a book that demonstrates types of lines used, also it was suppose to be themed based about anything. SO, I said, "hey I miss newgrounds ever so much, so why not make the book ng theme based!".

Many pages of construction paper and a little tracing later (a god damn week), I finally finished the line book, with a newgrounds theme...So yeah, it's about seven pages. It was suppose to be a children's book, to teach them about the types of lines, so yeah it wasn't put well, besides I only had a week. Yeah I made the fatal error by putting the cityscape as the background, but nonetheless it got a good grade.

Yeah the title sucks, but I couldn't think of one.

Thanks Newgrounds, for helping me pass Fundamentals of Design. Here are some pics:

Pages 1 and 2
3 and 4
5 and 6
7 and 8
My grade of the book

Oh look, the Newgrounds Line book

Posted by azteca89 - June 15th, 2008

It's the end of my first college semester. That's it.....This is going to be one boring summer vacation. How did I do? I honestly don't know, bastard teachers wouldn't tell me my grades. Yep boring summer, just me, alone, in my house.

Posted by azteca89 - March 31st, 2008

Hello once again my fellow ng friends. I today started my first day of college, but this is no ordinary college. This is the damn Art Institute, an art college, it's private, and really damn expensive. Luckily I obtained many scholarships, grants, and a loan or two.

Anyway, as I was saying, it was my first day. How was it? Well to start off I had to wake up at 5:30 a.m., "why so early though?" you might be asking yourself? Classes start at 7:30 a.m. and well it's like a bout 30 minutes away from where I live, and the damn traffic is a real bitch, also my parents took me and they wanted to have time to take my lazy faggy brother to school, which is like only 10/15 minutes where I live(what a lazy asshole).

So I arrived at college at 6:00 a.m., and the whole place was deserted. So it was just me and the television they have in the student lounge. One hour and thirty minutes later, my first class finally started, It was observational drawing....something like that, well it wasn't bad since it's just studying dimensions, perspectives, and stuff like that. So four hours of that crap and the class was over, so now I went to go get some grub. After an hour of break I got to my last class, transitional studies/math (yes I am horrible at math). After fours of just plain confusion, it was time to head home, but now I had to take the public bus. The bus came picked me up, and dropped me to the closest stop from my house (I don't want to get into detail with the bus ride). So now I had to walk to my house from there.

Oh and almost forgot about the most important detail in this seemly long day (and story if you read most of it, you're almost done). Ok so this bus stop is like 15/20 minutes away from my house, no problem uh? well wrong! I forgot to mention that I had to carry this art package and my backpack with some books in it. I swear, this package was so friggin' heavy! Must've weighted around 30-40 pounds. What did it have inside? like about three big sketch pads, a sketch book, and 4 damn text books. I seriously struggled back home. I thought I wasn't going to make it home, but surprise surprise, I made it . Mondays, I hate them.

To end this story off, here is a pic of the crap I had to take at the first day of college.

First day of college...geez.

Posted by azteca89 - January 4th, 2008

Hello my fellow ngers, I'm back from two freaking long weeks at Mexico. Why was I there you ask? Well, two reasons, 1. It was winter break 2. My parents forced me (yeah I know, harsh). It wasn't the best winter break or the worst, it was alright. What the worst part of my trip was giving expensive presents to my less fortunate relatives and not getting anything in return, oh well better to give than to receive I guess : \ and those two long days on the road and seeing nothing but desert. The awesome part of the trip was partying and getting drunk (finally!) at Christmas and New Years, also went to many strip joints with my uncle (he such a nice guy), so much ass and bewbs I saw. Dumb Mexican kids and their fireworks, they burned a hole through my Arch Enemy shirt. And well...yeah....what a trip.

Back from my trip.

Posted by azteca89 - December 15th, 2007

Well as my sig says, I want to wish everyone happy holidays just before I leave and head for a loooong trip. Yep, this will be a great chance for stat whores (Bahamut >:3) to pass me in the b/p ranks. Now write some comments dammit!

Happy freaking holidays from.......azteca89

Posted by azteca89 - September 20th, 2007

Well, I came back from school and headed to my room to play some Warhawk, While I was pwning some n00bs my dad slams the door open. I was scared shitless, he gives me that murder face and hands me this envelope. I opened it, and hey they are old school ng stickers, courtesy of Aksumka. Well I thought it was a little nice story to share, and also wanted to thank Aksumka for the awesome stickers.

Yeah and make sure you check his site out, it's the shizit :P

Stickers from Aksumka

Posted by azteca89 - August 29th, 2007

It's not really news but,It is pretty dark in here,and spooky too.I'm scared,someone hold me.Yeah that really is me,surprised?

Oh boy,It's dark in here.

Posted by azteca89 - August 6th, 2007

Want a furry header but don't know how to make one? or you're just fucking lazy to make one? Well look no more further,you came to the right place,I've got a nice collection of them. I know they are not the best but hey,they will do, if not then go screw yourself and make your own or tell someone else to make one for you.Anyway.....check them out and well......use them. I will keep adding news ones so make sure you check the link once in a while. Some headers are a bit risque,so use at own risk. If you ask nicely I'll put your alias on your chosen header at no charge,but not guaranteed it will be in a fancy font.So check them out and comment on them,please don't be harsh with the comments,I already know I'm a medicore sig/header maker.


Got to give most of the credit to the artist since they made the art.
The artists include:
Chalosan (sort of nsfw)
Miu (from Club Stripes) link is nsfw..somewhat
Jessica Elwood (somewhat nsfw)

Posted by azteca89 - July 27th, 2007

So I recently made a new header.And as many people don't know,I am an attention whore,and I want to see what you people think about it.Does it suck? is it good?too risque that I have to take it down?I don't know, you tell me people.Oh and I almost forgot,the art is drawn by Chalosan.Here are some links to his awesome art.Check them out,he is a furry artist god.

Link to his webcomic-Las Lindas (my personal favorite webcomic)
Link to his DA-Link is somewhat worksafe,but to check his nsfw stuff,sign up.
Link to his VCL-Ok this link is defaintly not worksafe.This is his older nsfw art,enjoy.

Well,give me some comments about it.NOW DAMMIT!

Mah new header