Hello there who is reading this, I am back after almost three weeks at wouldn't you know it.....Mexico City, Mexico. Went there to spend my winter break there and of course get reunited with some friends and relatives. Spending my three weeks over there was fine and all, what the real pain of the vacation was making the trip over there and making it back home, three days of non stop driving, oh and did I mention crossing the border line? Almost three hours.
Well I had some fun, got some candy (yum, marzipan, look at profile pic), a little moonshine that my uncle made, bought a sweet illusion picture that if you look at it from a distance it is Jebus but from close it's some dudes, and oh found this....blade on the streets (the hell is this? a switchblade?). So yeah, good times and now I'm back...which basically nobody cares.
Yay you are back! Don't go back to Mexico City! >.<
Oh lol, and why not? You scared I'm gonna get mugged and put up for ransom? lol.